Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Night At the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian TRAILER review

Seriously who's idea was this. Didn't they say everything they had to say in the first Night At The Museum. Apparently not, and everyone's returned from the 1st movie, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, the whole lot, even the villain. But a couple new faces appear since it's a bigger museum we've got Jonah Hill (The fat guy with the curly hair from "Superbad") who plays a security guard and I think Ben Stillers partner in this adventure. Also we have Al Capone, (who does not look anything like what Al Capone really looked like) Amelia Eirheart, The Thinker (who for some reason has a brooklyn accent and this takes place in Washington D.C)... wait a sec... The Thinker isnt even in the smithsonian, he's displayed outside of a museum IN PHLIDELPHIA, you can see him in the training montage from Rocky 1... whatever we got Ivan the Terrible, Abraham Lincoln... HE'S NOT IN THE SMITHSONIAN EITHER, he has his own damn monument!!! Whats wrong with these people. And lastly Sackagawea and General Custer.... Thats an odd combination, an Indian and General Custer. Okay first of all General Custer was KILLED by Indians and not only that but there was an atari video game called "Custers Revenge" where you screw a naked indian against a cactus. Are they going to talk about either of these things in the movie? I guess it dosent really matter. But why make this movie in the 1st place, why not just have made this one the 1st one and not even make a sequel. It seems to be more epic than the 1st. Oh wait, yea, I know why. Money. Thats all they care about is how much money the movie makes and theres no doubt that two movies are gonna make more than one movie, unless their pretty horrible movies. But to be fair with all its problems it still looks funny and entertaining and thats what really matters. So I will be seeing this movie when it comes out. Ben Stiller has prooved that he can be a good writer/director with Tropic Thunder and I think his acting career is going downhill, so maybe its time for him do jump ship and become just a director.

Custers Revenge:

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