Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I think I can do a pretty good review of this, I've seen it about 5 times now and I bought it around a week...week and a half ago. And It's pretty amazing. Daniel-Day Lewis gives one of the best performances I've ever seen playing the nihilistic Daniel Plainview. And just in case you don't know what nihilism means, it means that your an extreme skeptic, about everything, you don't really trust anybody. Which makes for a damn fine character. Based on the book "OIL!" by Upton Sinclair this movie truly is a story about corruption and greed. Daniel Plainview is an oil man during the early 20th century, it more or less revolves around him trying to drill for oil in a town that is full of god-loving catholics (the perfect place for a NIHILIST). It's about what happens to somebody when they have extreme success and how others will betray for some of it. The score is bone chilling, fitting the movie perfectly. And the shots are ASTOUNDING, in terms of scope, everything. It's a very good looking movie. I'd go as far to say that it's the Marylin Monroe of movies. Personally I think thats it's better than NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, which was the other major best picture nominee and winner. Thats a good movie too but I just like this more. I came into this knowing nothing about the oil buisness and left knowing alot, it's very obvious that alot of reasearch went into this. Paul Tohmas Anderson has indeed made a triumphant return to film and I really can't wait to see what he comes out with next.


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